Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Play Group Anyone?

Now that I am home with a very active 2-year-old, a newborn, and the weather is getting cold, I am realizing that in order to keep my sanity (and for Mckay to keep his as well), it would be nice to do a play group regularly so we can get out and socialize. Please post a comment if you are interested. I was thinking we could do Wednesdays at 10:30, but I am open to just about anything. Please note if there is a day and time that works best for you on your comment so we can try to do what works best for most people. I will do another post including all of the details after I hear back from everyone. Thanks!

Megan J.


The Hungry Homemaker said...

That time works for me, I would be down with doing that!

Julia said...

Sounds good to me.

Kim said...

I'd be interested after next week- getting carpet installed, but otherwise that time works :)

Dunbars said...

That works for me!!! Dylan will be excited!