Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Calling for All Primary Program Parts

The primary program is coming up on Sunday, October 28th. Most of the parts should have been passed out last week. If you child was assigned a "fill in the blank" part, please have your parts submitted to a member of the presidency by this coming Sunday, October 7th. You can also print the text and bring it to one of our homes as well. Our e-mail addresses are: Michelle Strading: mstradling@live.com Camille Heidbrink: camille.heidbrink@gmail.com Janalee Adams: janalee.adams@gmail.com Megan Johnson: megjohnson_6@hotmail.com You are welcome to e-mail the part to one, or all of us. If you know that you child is not going to be there for the program or if they are unable to do their part for any other reason, please let us know so we can make needed changes to the program as soon as possible. If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know! Thank you!!

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