Thursday, March 15, 2012


Wondering who you use for preschool, do you have a favorite/not so favorite/or any suggestions for a 3-4 yr old?  thanks!!


Becky said...

My son is in Heather Haunga's preschool. LOVE it! He loves it, I love it. I'm sending my next son there when he's older (only 1 now). :D Her email is blueskiespreschool at gmail

Anonymous said...
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jessy said...
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Loni Leetham said...

I am opening a preschool in the area this fall and have openings available. I've previously taught in Mapleton with my mom, but am now able to run one out of my own home. I have emailed you information about my school, please let me know if you have any questions. You can call me at (801)669-1647 or email me at